Saturday, November 22, 2014

Boletín No 23 de Peru Apurimac Project (Español) & English version

PERUAP  (Peru Apurimac Project)               Apoyando proyectos comunitarios en el Perú  
 Bulletin  No. 23                                                                        Octubre 2014 

Fotos enero 2014                          

Fotos septiembre 2014

Visita al Peru en enero de 2014
Peru Apurimac Project estuvo el mes de enero de este año en varios lugares en el Perú y como en otras ocasiones llevó una ayuda a distintos grupos comunitarios. Portamos con nosotros la suma de £ 1050.00 libras de Peruap para colaborar con los grupos que hemos ayudado anteriormente y otros grupos que han solicitado nuestro apoyo.

Tuvimos un encuentro con las madres del pueblo joven Nueva Esperanza en el Callao. Peruap allí donó una chocolatada para los niños y pobladores en número de 80 aproximadamente. Nueva Esperanza junto con otros pueblos jóvenes vecinos habían sufrido un pavoroso incendio que destruyó todas sus viviendas ya precarias de por sí en 2013. Peruap hizo donaciones anteriormente para su local  comunal que quedo destruido por el incendio. Esta vez  Peruap donó tubos, llaves para caño y otros implementos para el surtido de agua para las casas de los pobladores. En el pueblo joven El Progreso, contiguo a Nueva Esperanza,  se donó una cocina semi industrial, ollas, un balón de gas y otros implementos para su comedor popular. Fuimos cordialmente invitados a la inauguración de la nueva cocina organizada por  las madres de familia.
Peruap también contribuyó primero con una chocolatada y luego con una pollada a las personas de la tercera edad de la Asociación de residentes de Chiara en el Callao cuya condición económica es muy precaria. Ellos son provenientes de la comunidad campesina de Chiara en Andahuaylas. 
Peruap meses antes había donado una suma de dinero para el alquiler de autobuses para una excursión de los adultos mayores de esta asociación en los alrededores de Lima en coordinación con la Asociación Cultural de Villa Chiara.  Luego nos informaron  que los adultos mayores disfrutaron del paseo pues fueron agasajados con comidas y bebidas.
Peruap también visitó el distrito de Cieneguilla ubicado en las afueras de la ciudad de Lima. Estuvimos en la Asociación de Vivienda San Nicolás de Tolentino y allí colaboramos con una pollada, una comida en base a pollo para más de 100 personas para colaborar con los pobladores de ese lugar para que reunieran fondos para  proseguir con la mejora de las pistas y otras necesidades de la Asociación.
Finalmente Peru hizo la compra de 10 mesitas para una de las aulas del centro de educación inicial IEI 237 Chingas de niños de 3 a 5 años de edad ubicado en el distrito de Chingas en el departamento norteño de Ancash. Aunque Peruap no ha visitado  ese lugar, recibió una solicitud y accedimos a apoyarles. Anteriormente Peruap había colaborado con esta misma escuela con la compra de 60 sillas pequeñas para una de sus aulas. Hemos recibido fotos de ambas donaciones. 
Adicionalmente, antes de nuestro retorno  a Londres nuestro proyecto dejó una donación para que los niños de los pueblos jóvenes Nueva Esperanza, el Progreso y 1 de mayo  tuvieran un día dedicado al deporte. Posteriormente recibimos fotos de la realización de esa actividad de entretenimiento y deporte muy necesaria en un lugar donde los jóvenes y niños de condición pobre están expuestos a los riesgos de la delincuencia. 

 Visita al Peru en septiembre de 2014
A fines de agosto hicimos una nueva visita al Perú. Esta vez llevamos £ 1,300 libras para proseguir con el apoyo a grupos comunitarios en el Peru en condiciones de pobreza.
Nuestra primera visita fue a la Institución Educativa Inicial (IEI) Emilia Barcia Bonifatti, un centro educativo ubicado en una zona marginal del Callao. Notamos una vigilancia policial en las calles vecinas a la escuela por la inseguridad reinante en esa zona del Callao cercana a un asentamiento conocido como la Siberia. Accedimos a una solicitud de apoyo de parte de la directora de la escuela Elvira Arias. Conversamos  con las profesoras quienes nos narraron las carencias sobre todo por tratarse de un area muy vulnerable para los niños y niñas, alrededor de 120. Peruap donó un televisor de 32” para la escuela para uso didáctico en favor de los niños del plantel.
Peruap luego hizo una visita distrito de Chiara en Andahuaylas, en la zona sur de los Andes del Peru,  retornábamos a ese lugar del departamento de Apurímac luego de varios años. Cabe recordar que fue por una  visita que hicimos a Chiara que nos sentimos motivados para constituir el proyecto PERUAP en Londres en 2001.
En Chiara contactamos con el director de la escuela de educación inicial Jesús Sánchez quien nos solicitó una ayuda para la adquisición de una impresora para la escuela. Hicimos la compra de la impresora en Andahuaylas y lo llevamos a Chiara. Fue muy interesante notar que en la escuela inicial tienen un programa de educación bilingüe quechua-español, un programa intercultural para preservar la identidad cultural de los niños. 
En Chiara también colaboramos  con una suma de dinero para un viaje de la promoción de 5to año de secundaria del colegio Enrique Martinelli Tizón. Una colaboración similar hicimos con los niños de la escuela inicial para la celebración de su aniversario. Tanto los profesores como las madres de familia fueron muy generosos con sus atenciones de alojamiento tal como en ocasiones anteriores de lo cual les estamos infinitamente  agradecidos.
En Chiara conversamos con los pobladores y las madres del comedor popular, pudimos ver los progresos de  la construcción del local de la comunidad, un edificio de dos pisos ya prácticamente acabado. Peruap colaboró en dos ocasiones con la compra de materiales de construcción para el local comunal.
De retorno a Lima, una vez más colaboramos con los adultos mayores chiarinos residentes en el callao. Peruap fomentó la creación de un Club de Adulto Mayor y asistimos a su primera reunion. Nuestro proyecto donó una chocolatada para esta ocasión. Los asistentes tuvieron muestras de agradecimiento a Peruap. La organización  del Club estuvo a cargo de Graciela Medina y un grupo de personas del grupo de adultos mayores.
Recibimos una solicitud de apoyo de parte del colegio Augusto Salazar Bondy ubicado en el distrito Carmen de la Legua en Callao. Donamos 6 pelotas de voleibol para las niñas de este colegio. Este colegio esta ubicado en una zona marginal del Callao donde hay muchos niños y niñas que proceden de hogares pobres. A la solicitud del Colegio Salazar Bondy, Peruap donó a este colegio un monitor de computadora para su departamento de informática.
Queremos precisar que el dinero del Proyecto es empleado exclusivamente para las donaciones en el Perú y que las visitas a los diferentes grupos  que solicitan nuestro apoyo las efectuamos  durante nuestras vacaciones en el Perú. 
Nuestro especial reconocimiento a los amigos en Londres que hacen llegar sus donaciones a Peruap. También nuestro agradecimiento a todos aquellos que en Londres nos apoyan en la realización de eventos para reunir fondos. En el  Peru nos apoyan voluntariamente muchas personas pues nos ayudan a contactar a los grupos y colaboran con nosotros en la compra y transporte de las donaciones. Cuando no estamos en el Perú nos mantienen informados sobre los grupos comunitarios y nos hacen llegar las solicitudes de los grupos que luego visitamos.
Un especial reconocimiento a los amigos del ex grupo Amistad en el Callao por su invalorable apoyo a Peruap en el Perú. 
Cualquier persona que desee colaborar con nuestro Peruap para realizar actividades para reunir fondos en Londres por favor avísenos. Así mismo siempre damos la bienvenida a todas las personas que desean ayudarnos en el Perú.
Próximo evento de Peruap en Londres
Anunciamos la realización de un evento cultural y artístico en Londres. Se trata de la presentación por primera vez de la película peruana sobre el panorama de la música en el Perú “Sigo Siendo” (Kachkaniraqmi) del director peruano Javier Corcuera.  Junto con la proyección de la película habrá una participación musical de Chano Díaz Límaco quien es director musical de la película. El evento se realizara el día 8 de noviembre a las 7 pm en el restaurante peruano “Mancora" (18 Amelia Street, Walworth, SE17 3PY). Los interesados deberán reservar una mesa al Tel 02035560670.
Peruap, proyecto que empezó el 2001, es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Londres cuyos miembros colaboran voluntariamente en la recaudación de fondos y el contacto de grupos comunitarios en el Perú. Los fondos que reúne son resultado de los eventos que realiza en Londres y de los aportes de los amigos  de Peruap.
Dirección:  53a Queeswood Rd, Forest hill, London SE23 2QR. Si desea hacer alguna donación por favor enviarla a esta dirección o contactar con nuestra tesorera Liz Kalinauckas. 
Nuestro Email: peruapurimacproject@gmailcom
Tel: 07427635508
Facebook: Peruap Apurimac
Con nuestro agradecimiento y saludos cordiales.
Claudio Chipana     Judith Grimsdell     


PERUAP  (Peru Apurimac Project).                  Helping community projects in Peru
Bulletin no. 23                                   October 2014

Visit to Peru in January 2014

In January Peruap was in Peru and visited several places where as on previous occasions it gave help to various community groups. We carried with us the sum of £1,050.00 from Peruap in order to help groups that we had helped before and for other groups that had asked us for help.

We met with women from the shanty town Nueva Esperanza ('New Hope') in Callao. Peruap donated a chocolatada for the children and people there, who numbered approximately 80. Nueva Esperanza, together with other shanty towns adjoining it had suffered a serious fire in 2013 that destroyed all the 'houses' there. Peruap had made donations there previously and this time also donated piping, joints and other materials in order that they could run water into each house in the shanty town. Peruap also donated a 'semi industrial' cooker and a large gas canister plus huge pan and spoon for its community kitchen. We were lucky enough to be invited to the 'Inauguration' of the new cooker.

Peruap also donated first a chocolatada and then a chicken dinner for elderly people living in poverty. They originate from the village of Chiara in Andahuaylas and now live in Callao. Many elderly people in Peru need a lot of help. 

A month earlier Peruap had donated a sum of money to hire coaches for an outing for the elderly adults mentioned above, in order that they could go on an outing to a location on the outskirts of Lima arranged by the Cultural Association of Chiara. We have since been informed that the elderly people enjoyed      their day out and that they were also treated to food and drink during the day.

Peruap visited the district of Cieneguilla which is right on the outskirts of the city of Lima. We met with the Association of the village of San Nicholas of Tolentino and there we collaborated with a 'pollada', a chicken meal, for more than 100 people so that the villagers could raise money so that they can improve their roads and other necessities. 

Finally Peruap bought 10 tables for one of the classrooms of the Infants' School IEI 237 Chingas for children of 3-5 years old, situated in the district of Chingas in the northern Andean department of Ancash. Although Peruap did not visit this place, very difficult to access, it received a letter asking for help and decided to give the aid. Previously Peruap had donated this same school with 60 small chairs for the classroom. We have received photos from both donations. 

Visit to Peru in September 2014

At the end of August we made another visit to Peru. This time we took £1,300 to continue helping community groups in Peru in conditions of poverty.

Our first visit was to the Primary school (IEI) Emilia Barcia Bonifatti, a kindergarten school situated in a marginal area of Callao. We noticed a strong armed police presence in the neighbouring streets of the school owing to the violence and insecurity in this part of Peru, situated near to an area known as Siberia. We answered a request for help made by the headmistress of the school, Elvira Arias. The teachers told us of the shortages suffered by the school in this very vulnerable area. The school has about 120 children. Peruap donated a 32 inch television and a DVD player for educational use. 

Peruap also visited the district of Chiara in Andahuaylas, in the southern zone of the Andes of Peru. We visited this area in the department of Apurimac after a gap of several years. It is worth mentioning that it was after a visit that we made to Chiara in 2001 that we felt motivated to start the Peruap project later that year. 

 In Chiara we contacted the head of the Infants' school, Jesus Sanchez, who asked us if Peruap would donate a photocopier/printer for the school. We bought the photocopier/printer in Andahuaylas and took it to Chiara when we travelled there. It was interesting to note that the infants' school has a programme of bilingual Spanish-Quechua education, an inter-cultural programme to help to preserve the cultural identity of the children.

In Chiara we also contributed a sum of money for the 'Prom' (as in the USA school leavers' Prom Ball) journey of the 5th form school leavers in the Secondary school Enrique Martinelli Tizon. Peruap also made a similar contribution for the children of the infants' school for the celebration of their anniversary. The teachers as well as the mothers of the schoolchildren were very generous providing us with lodging and food, as in previous visits, for which we are extremely grateful.

In Chiara we chatted with the villagers and the women of the community kitchen and we were able to see the progress made in the construction of the community hall, a building of two storeys which is nearly finished. Peruap contributed on two occasions with construction material for this locale.

On returning to Lima Peruap once more collaborated with the elderly people from Chiara who are resident in Callao. Peruap helped with the setting up of a 'Club for Elderly People' and we attended their first get together. Our project donated a chocolatada for this o ccasion. The people there all expressed their gratitude to Peruap for making it possible. The organisation of the Club is headed by Graciela Medina and a group of people of the community of Chiara in Callao.

Peruap received a plea for help from the school Augusto Salazar Bondy located in the district Carmen de la Legua in Callao, which started as a shanty town. Peruap donated 6 volleyballs for the girls of this school. This school is in an area where there is good neighbourhood support. Nevertheless, many children come from very poor homes. Peruap also donated a monitor for a school computer in the IT department and a small sum of money to buy shorts for girls in the volleyball team whose families are too poor to be able to afford them.


We would like to inform you all that the money from Peruap is used exclusively for donations in Peru, and that we pay for our own travel and lodging as necessary when we visit the different parts of Peru where we give help from Peruap.


We would like to say a big thank you to friends in the UK who make Peruap's work possible. We would also like to express our gratitude to those people in London who help us to make our fund raising events possible. In Peru there are people who volunteer to help the Project and who contact the groups who ask for help and who collaborate with us in buying and transporting the donations. When we are not in Peru they keep us informed about the groups who need help and let us know of requests for help.

A special thanks to the Chipana family and members of the group Amistad in Callao for their invaluable help to Peruap in Peru.


Anyone who is interested in helping the Project to put on a fund raising activity in London please let us know. Also, as usual we welcome anyone who wants to help Peruap.

Next Peruap event in London 

Announcing the next cultural event in London: this is the presentation for the first time in the UK of the Peruvian film about the Peruvian musical scene 'Sigo siendo' or 'Kachkaniraqmi' which roughly translates as 'I still am' or 'I continue being'. It was directed by the Peruvian Javier Corcuera and the musical director was Chano Diaz Limaco. As well as showing the film there will be live music by Chano Diaz Limaco. There will be Peruvian food available. The event will take place on 8th November at 7pm in the Peruvian restaurant 'Mancora' (18 Amelia Street, Walworth, SE17 3PY). Anyone interested must reserve a table at 02035560670. The film is in Spanish with music played during it and nice scenes of the Andes and the jungle area and lasts about an hour. We hope to obtain a copy with English subtitles in the future. 


Peruap is an organisation without official financial support based in London whose members collaborate voluntarily in the raising of funds and contact with community groups in Peru. Our project started in 2001. Peruap raises funds through fund raising events and the kind donations from supporters of the project. 

Address: 53a, Queenswood Road, Forest Hill, SE23 2QR. If you wish to make a donation please contact the address above or contact our treasurer Liz Kalinauckas. 
Tel: 07427635508
Facebook: Peruap Apurimac
With our gratitude and best wishes
Claudio Chipana    Judith Grimsdell  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bulletin No 22 Nov 2013

PERUAP UPDATE  No 22  November 2013      Helping community projects in Peru



We would like to inform friends and supporters of Peruap about the latest news.

Text Box:
1. The fund raising event of July, after all costs and expenditure, raised £302.44. Many thanks to those who helped with the organization of the party, to the musicians and volunteers. And of course to those of you who attended the event.


2. We received a request for help from the community village of Chingas in the province of Antonio Raymondi in the department of Ancash. They requested tables and chairs for an infants’ school in the community of  Chingas. Peruap helped with a donation of £245.03 ($370) which has been sent from London, part of the donation requested and are awaiting photos and information that the donation has been received by the village. We are hoping to be able to provide the rest of the requested school furniture in the near future.


3. The shanty town that Peruap has helped in the past with several donations to its community centre such as a toilet in a brick built area, sink, flooring and latterly donations for its kitchen area, Nueva Esperanza in Callao, has sadly been razed to the ground by a fire that raged through it and the neighbouring two or more shanty towns. At present the inhabitants of Nueva Esperanza are being housed in tents on a concrete football pitch near to the shanty town site. The Municipality has provided these tents and one mattress for each family and is providing some food for the people. Claudio has spoken this afternoon to Senor Bruno, the village leader, who said that the fire took hold incredibly quickly and we can imagine that these rickety buildings made for the most part of cheap wooden panels would catch fire very easily. The cause of the fire is as yet unknown, but likely to be a short circuit as the electricity supply was rather precarious. Mr Bruno has told Peruap that the main need is for more foodstuffs, so we hope to make a donation as soon as we can get money sent over, and hopefully again when we visit in January.


4. On 23rd November Claudio is doing another tour and talk of the British Museum Peruvian Pre Hispanic artifacts to raise money for the Peru Apurimac Project. This tour will be in Spanish, but he is intending to conduct a tour in English in the New Year. Any Spanish speakers are welcome, the tour will commence at 3pm from room 2 at the British Museum. You can meet Claudio at the main information desk at 2.45pm.

Tel 07427635508.


5. Peruap has opened a Facebook page to post news and our events. The name is ‘Peruap Apurimac Peru’, and is mostly in Spanish although we hope to add information in English as we go on with it. Meanwhile there are photos on the site. There is also a blog in both languages:


6. We hope to visit Peru in January 2014 and look forward to doing some Project work whilst we are there. We will keep you informed.


If anyone would like to volunteer to help with fundraising or other aspects of the Project we can be contacted on 0208 699 8731/07427635508                                                             e-mail:


Thank you for your kind donations and help with the Project.


Claudio Chipana and Judith Grimsdell,     London, November 2013

Friday, August 03, 2012

Fotos del Tour Peru Milenario por Peru Apurimac Project

Fotos del Tour Peru Milenario en el Museo Britanico de Londres el 21 de julio que se realizo en apoyo a Peru Apurimac Project. Se recaudaron £30.48 mas 10 euros. Peruap agradece sinceramente a quienes asistieron y por su aporte que ayudara a proyectos comunitarios en zonas de pobreza y extrema pobreza en el Peru.
Muchas gracias
Claudio Chipana
Judith Grimsdell

Sunday, February 05, 2012

10 years of Peru Apurimac Project (PERUAP)

10  years of Peru Apurimac Project (PERUAP)

On Saturday 21st, PERUAP put on an event of photos and videos at East Dulwich Community Centre, to mark its tenth anniversary.  Friends of the project attended the evening and enjoyed music played by Paloma Palomino from Peru and Jeannette from Bolivia.

Claudio Chipana, coordinator and founder of PERUAP, presented the event  supported by Judith Grismdell, co-founder of the project.

They presented an account of the work done by PERUAP – of the help given to the various community groups in a wide area of Peru, and which started in the community of Chiara in Apurimac.

PERUAP’s visit to Peru in 2011 included visits to the shanty town Nueva Esperanza in Callao, the “Polivalente” Centre for handicapped children in Huancayo, the shanty town “Villa Señor de los Milagros” in Carmen de la Legua, the Elderly People’s Centre in Callao, the Bakery training Centre in Bellavista and the Union for Domestic workers in Lima (Sinttrahol).

At the end of the presentation PERUAP said thank you to all the friends of the Project for their help throughout the last ten years and said that the project would be continuing the Nueva Esperanza shanty town as well as other community projects.

London, 22nd January 2012-01-29